Sunday, April 6, 2008

Don't try to tell me what to do.

Who am I to say how someone should live their life? Personally, I really hate being told what to do or how to live, so I imagine other people feel the same. Unless someone is being harmed somehow it's really no place for me to butt in. I have limited life experience and by no means do I think I've made all the right decisions through the years, I can only do my best, and that is all I can expect of anyone else. I also think that there is a huge difference between helping and butting in. By all means, help whoever wants help, but when you forcefully "help" someone who never asked you to, you cross a line. I'm all for giving advice and help where I can when I friend or someone asks, but I don't go around offering my opinion about how people should be living, I think if I did I would be very unlikable. As always there are exceptions; if I saw a friend or someone who could not help themselves in dire straits, I would be compelled to help. It's a tough question to answer, especially without a specific example, but I tend to lean toward minding my own business.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Your point about helping those that can't help themselves is very true.

Good post. 20/20 points