Thursday, March 20, 2008

Put up your dukes, lets get down to it!

I'm really a passive person (despite the post title), I don't like to waste my energy on being angry with people. Of course, I'm no saint, I get angry like anybody else, I just refrain from acting on my anger as much as possible. Even when I do get involved in an argument I usually just view it as a heated debate or discussion. So the only fight I could think of was something that happened a long time ago between me and my older brother. My parents were gone (of course) and Levi, my brother, had a friend over. Levi and his friend were in the study on the computer and I was also in the study on the couch reading a book. Well I guess my presence was a nuisance, and Levi told me to leave and go read somewhere else, but I didn't want to leave and thus, we started fighting. Eventually the fight escalated to my brother pushing me out of the study by force. I fell into an antique cabinet and broke the doors off the hinges. After that I went to my room and waited for my mom to get home. We both got in trouble for fighting and for breaking furniture. I don't really remember, but I can't imagine that I was mad at him longer than the day. Me and my brother fought a lot when we were younger, even though we played together nearly everyday. Now me and my brother get along fine, since we grew up together we know a lot about each other and how to make the other laugh. I don't stay angry long and I think it would take a not for me to think someone was unforgivable.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I can't imagine you breaking anything being so small. I don't know that I could ever forgive someone if they intentionally hurt my family, but I hope to never be put in that situation.

Good post. 20/20 points.